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Writer's pictureRegina Ringette

Player Spotlight - Maddy Nystrom

What made you want to play ringette? My friend Mya introduced me to the sport and I have loved it ever since!

What team do you play for? I played for the U19AA Bandits and the Canada Winter Games Team Sask last season. I am currently playing for Junior Team Canada!

What do your friends think of your athletic success? How do you handle missing out on activities with friends because of your athletic schedule? My friends are always so proud and happy for me, and they have always been super supportive! Most of my friends also play competitive ringette so they understand the commitment, and we always work around the busy schedules.

What is your favourite pre-game meal? I love chicken, rice, and vegetable bowls!

How long have you played ringette? I have been playing ringette for 10 years.

Who is your biggest role model and why? My biggest role model is Holly Kozan because she has had such a successful ringette career and she is such a great person!

What is your favourite ringette memory or accomplishment? My favourite ringette memory is winning the bronze medal at the 2023 Canada Winter Games in PEI. That whole week was on of the best weeks of my life and the team dynamic was fun, energetic, and driven!

What do you love most about playing ringette? What I love most about playing ringette is getting the chance to see and play with my teammates who have become some of my best friends! I also love the competitive atmosphere!

What advice would you give a younger player who wants to be a goalie? If you want to be a goalie, do it! It is such a unique and rewarding position that takes heart and resilience!

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